Terms & Conditions
Craft Queensland trading as Artisan
45 King Street
Bowen Hills Qld 4006
T 07 3215 0808
F 07 3215 0802
E store@artisan.org.au
ABN: 54010052874
By which Artisan and the Supplier agree to the following terms:
1 Definitions
Artisan: Craft Queensland’s Retail Showcase
Consignment Note: the official Artisan Consignment Note
Supplier: the maker of the work OR the party with legal rights to submit work to Artisan for sale on consignment
Artist: the maker of the work listed in the Consignment Note
Work: the product or artwork listed in the Consignment Note
Consignment Period: the period of consignment stated on the Consignment Note
Wholesale Value: supplier price as stated on the Consignment Note
2 Period of Consignment
The terms of this contract are valid for the period of time that the supplier has stock held at artisan.
Artisan agrees to a three (3) month trial period with the option to continue to stock the supplier’s work on-going and for as long as both parties agree.
After the initial three month period, an Artisan staff member will contact the artist to review and assess the sales and customer response to the artist’s work.
Important: Work not submitted via an official Artisan Consignment Note during the stated consignment period is not covered by the terms and conditions of this agreement.
3 Consignment Note
Only work accompanied by a completed Consignment Note, indicating the period of consignment, supplier details, supplier price, ABN and GST status will be accepted. No other paperwork other than a completed Consignment Note is required from the Supplier. Artisan does not purchase outright and does not accept invoices from suppliers for work held on consignment. Once stock will be recorded on artisan’s computerised stock control system a copy of the Consignment Note, complete barcode references, will be forwarded to the Supplier to acknowledge receipt of the work.
4 Commission
Refer to Artisan Retail Policy.
5 Freight
- The Supplier will be responsible for paying the costs of transport and transit insurance for work delivered to artisan and returned from artisan to the address stated on the Consignment Note or an Amended Details Notice.
- The Supplier is responsible for the transport costs and transit insurance for the work returned to the address stated on the Consignment Note or an Amended Details Notice. Unless otherwise advised, Artisan will make arrangements for the return and provide an invoice for such costs to the Supplier with the returned work. If the artist chooses for the work to be posted it will be arranged via Australia Post using the ‘Cash on Delivery’ service at the artist’s expense.
6 Condition of Work
- Artisan will condition report work upon receipt. Should any work be damaged on receipt Artisan will notify the Supplier immediately providing photographic documentation in the event of damaged works exceeding a total wholesale value of $100.
- Artisan will condition report work upon return. The Supplier will notify Artisan immediately of any work not received in good order, and provide photographic documentation in the event of damaged works exceeding a total wholesale value of $100.
- The terms outlining liability on condition of work are governed by terms as per 6. Freight and are subject to individual insurance arrangements/policies.
7 Return of Work
- Artisan will issue a Goods Returned receipt to accompany any work returned to the Supplier.
- Retail Staff reserve the right to return work that remains unsold after three months.
- Either party may seek the early return of the work giving the other seven (7) days notice. Early return of stock from Artisan cannot be arranged during store closure periods. Please refer to 5. Freight for terms pertaining to liability of return of work.
- If the Supplier wishes to collect the work, a request must be provided in writing (may include email) to Artisan to ascertain a mutually agreed date and time.
8 Storage of Uncollected Work
Refer to Artisan Retail Policy
9 Reproduction
Refer to Artisan Retail Policy
10 Payment
- Payment for sold work will be made within 21 days from the end of the month and will cover all works sold outright and any lay-bys fully paid for. This is due to the consumer protection laws stating a mandatory 31 day period to allow for the return of unwanted or faulty goods.
- Payment will be made via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to the account nominated on an official artisan EFT Authorisation Notice. Payments will not be made by cheque or to credit card accounts.
- The supplier will be sent a Remittance Advice (either fax or email as per the supplier’s preference on the EFT Authorisation Notice) informing them when funds have been deposited into their account. A Goods Received Note outlining stock sold will be posted to the supplier until such time as processes enable emailing of such notice.
- Any fees incurred by Artisan for incorrect bank account information will be borne by the supplier.
11 Packaging
As outlined in the Retail Handbook for jewellery and small valuable objects over the retail value of $100.00, artists are to supply a professional standard of packaging (box or jewellery pouch). In the case that that no packaging has been supplied artisan will pass direct $5.00 cost of packaging onto the maker.
12 Termination
This agreement may be terminated at any time. Notification of termination, by Artisan or the Supplier must occur via written notification by either party. Collection of work can occur seven (7) days from the receipt of such notification, and arrangements must be made with Artisan beforehand. Outstanding payments for work sold will be subject to terms as the Retail Policy.
13 Mediation
All disputes arising out of this agreement shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the rules of the Arts Law Centre Mediation Service, a program of the Arts Law Centre of Australia, prior to having recourse to arbitration or litigation.
14 Checklist
Provision of the following is compulsory:
- EFT Authorisation
- Statement by a Supplier (if the Supplier does not have an ABN)
- Completed and signed Consignment Agreement
- Completed and signed Consignment Note
- Completed Q&A Document
- Three (3) good photos of the artist’s work and 1 headshot (min2500px wide, 300dpi)
The terms and conditions outlined in Artisan’s retail Policy form part of this agreement. I have read, understood and been supplied with a copy of Artisan’s Retail Policy. I agree to the terms and conditions outlined in both Artisan’s Retail policy and this Consignment Agreement.
EFT Authorisation
Artisan will make payments to Suppliers only via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This is an efficient process, which benefits both parties. Once an EFT payment has been processed, you are sent a Remittance Notice either by fax or email, advising you of when and the payment was made. If payment is for work sold through artisan or Gallery Artisan, you will receive a Goods Received notice, by mail, advising of which stock has sold, which will assist you with your stock management.
In order to be able to receive EFT payments you will need to authorise Artisan to make EFT payments to your account and supply your bank account information as detailed below. You will also need to supply a fax number or email address where remittance notices can be forwarded. The bank details which you supply will be kept in the strictest confidence, and used only for the purpose of making payments to you.